Book Store

A list of required and recommended books for the online equine courses provided by:

Most books are ordered and billed through Amazon; a select few are available through the school.

Understanding Equine Behavior

Horses Behaving Badly, Dr. Jim and Lynda McCall $23.95

  • Required Reading; Breyer
  • Suggested Reading

Click Here To Order “Horses Behaving Badly” From School

Bits, Saddle Fitting and Hoof Balance

The Level Best For Your Horse, Dale,Ron & Bob Myler, (DVD included)

  • Suggested Reading

The Business of Making Money With Horses

Careers with Horses, Vicki Hogue-Davis

  • Suggested Reading

Conformation and Evaluation

Horse Conformation Handbook, Heather Smith Thomas

  • Required Reading; Breyer
  • Suggested Reading

Horse Anatomy Coloring Atlas, Robert A. Kainer

  • Suggested Reading

Dressage, Foundation for all Riding Diciplines

Centered Riding, by Sally Swift

  • Required Reading; Breyer
  • Suggested Reading

Dressage Basics by Sandy Jacobsen

  • Suggested Reading

Equine Massage

Horse Anatomy Coloring Atlas, Robert A. Kainer

  • Required Reading – For All Students

The Horse Anatomy Workbook, Maggie Raynor

  • Suggested Reading

Color Atlas of Veterinary Anatomy, Volume 2, The Horse, 2e

  • Suggested Reading

Equine Safety and Rescue

Save Your Horse, by Michelle Staples

  • Required Reading for All Students

Equine Reproduction

Manual of Equine Reproduction, 3rd Edition, by Steven P. Brinsko DVM, Terry L. Blanchard DVM MS Dipl ACT, Dickson D. Varner DVM MS Dipl ACT, James Schumacher DVM MS MRCVS Dip ACVS, Charles C. Love DVM

  • Required Reading, Breyer
  • Suggested Reading

Breed for Success, Rene E. Riley & Honi Roberts

  • Suggested Reading

Foaling Fundamentals (DVD), Video Velocity

  • Suggested Viewing

Health and Disease Management

Complete Equine Vet Manual by T. Pavord

  • Required Reading, Breyer
  • Suggested Reading

Nutrition for Maximum Performance

Nutrient Requirements of Horses: Sixth Revised Edition (National Research Council)

  • Suggested Reading

Preparation for Competition

Nine Secrets of Perfect Horsemanship, Don Blazer $19.95

  • Required Reading; Breyer
  • Suggested Reading

Click Here To Order “Nine Secrets” From School

Stable Management

British Horse Society Manual of Stable Management

  • Required Reading; Breyer
  • Suggested Reading

Complete Equine Vet Manual by T. Pavord

  • Required Reading, Breyer
  • Suggested Reading

Traditional Chinese Medicine

ACU-Horse: A Guide to Equine Acupressure, Nancy Zidonis and Amy Snow

  • Required Reading: Breyer
  • Suggested Reading

Equine Meridian Chart

Training Performance Horses

Natural Western Riding PDF/e-book $9.95

  • Required Reading – All Students

A link to the online book will be sent to you.

Click Here To Order “Natural Western Riding – eBook” From School

Nine Secrets of Perfect Horsemanship, Don Blazer $19.95

  • Required Reading – All Students

Click Here To Order “Nine Secrets” From School

Precision In Western Riding DVD

  • Suggested Viewing

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Dressage Basics by Sandy Jacobsen

  • Suggested Reading

Train For Western Riding

Precision In Western Riding DVD

  • Required For All Western Riding Students

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